MMO6C – Monitoring – Occupational Health and Safety for the MMO – SoS

MMO6C – Monitoring – Occupational Health and Safety for the MMO – SoS

You must first complete MMO6B – Estimating Distance – Bearing and GPS – SoS before viewing this Lesson
Please purchase the course before starting the lesson.

by Admin

Where do you monitor once you know your location? Choosing the best place to monitor from: <ul> <li>How do you choose best place to monitor</li> <li>We already know that most guidelines state that you have to have a 306º view for your observation point, and we have looked at equipment, now we will look as safety aspects.</li> <li>Consider your own health and safety...</li> </ul>

Where do you monitor once you know your location?

Choosing the best place to monitor from:

  • How do you choose best place to monitor
  • We already know that most guidelines state that you have to have a 306º view for your observation point, and we have looked at equipment, now we will look as safety aspects.
  • Consider your own health and safety...

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