MMO5F Australian – MMO Course – What cues to look for and units of measure for weather data

MMO5F Australian – MMO Course – What cues to look for and units of measure for weather data

You must first complete MMO5E Australian – MMO Course – Preparation of MMO for Field Observation before viewing this Lesson
Please purchase the course before starting the lesson.

by Admin

<h5>Visual Cues to Marine Mammals</h5> <ul> <li>Splashes / breaking water</li> <li>A wave or water movement in the wrong direction</li> <li>Seabird groups feeding - hovering/ diving</li> <li>'Bait balls'</li> <li>Differences in the colour of the water</li> <li>‘Footprints’</li> <li>Whale breath (when observer downwind)</li> <li>Anything that breaks with continuity, e.g. current fronts...</li> </ul>

Visual Cues to Marine Mammals
  • Splashes / breaking water
  • A wave or water movement in the wrong direction
  • Seabird groups feeding - hovering/ diving
  • 'Bait balls'
  • Differences in the colour of the water
  • ‘Footprints’
  • Whale breath (when observer downwind)
  • Anything that breaks with continuity, e.g. current fronts...

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